Sometimes we humans don't understand the real meaning of essence, authenticity, and, most importantly, identity.


Identity comes from how you define yourself and how others perceive you. Where you were born, your family, your friends, your beliefs,  your experiences, and your motivations. All these things are within you, in your smile, in the way you see things, in the reasons your eyes shine, in your sense of humour, and last, but not least, in how you define happiness.


Thanks to identity, life leads us to create our essence; that vibe that makes others feel you when you are present and also when you’re absent. Essence has the power to show who you are without you needing to describe it—it’s simply the scent you bring to the table. We are here to help you own and be proud of that in every step you take to find your own happiness. 


The definition of happiness is the most complex thing to agree on, that is why every single one of us is looking for something different that will make us sigh in the end. A good sigh is a kind that you exhale when you do something amazing for yourself or for others, that sigh that makes us feel proud of our memories. For us to achieve the most meaningful “sigh”, we have to understand different meanings.


Identity gives us the ability to feel loved, and a sense of belonging,—a safe zone to go to when you feel out of place, where no one judges you and you can set free your deepest insecurities. It could be a place, such as where you were born, or even a person, with no restrictions at all. We have the power to find out our identity thanks to tolerance, without tolerance we feel small and alone.  This value is way more than just standing each other, it looks for acceptance, respect, and promotion of authenticity. We should encourage diversity and multiculturalism because if not, we would live in a white and black universe without the colorful sensations that make us feel alive.


To get this we only need us. Human beings are prone to blaming everything on someone other than themselves, be it the government, the lack of inclusion programs, or even school. But what we need to understand is that sometimes it is our job to see better, to live better, to interact better, and realize that not one thing is “better” than another when we are talking about mentalities, religions, and cultures. Each one of them is worth listening to because they are as valid as any you may have. It's OK to feel different, own your essence,  authenticity doesn't go with monocity.

-One thing, can have million different perspectives-

Vitamin MX from Jaunt Mexico is happy to be part of your essence discovery; this is because Vitamin MX comes along with diversity.  Mexico is home to 20 different ethnic groups spread out across the country. As you may know, we have natural vestiges such as the jungle, deserts, forests, shores, and amazing oceans. These natural gems shape the essence and identity of each ethnic group across the region. 

 Jaunt Mexico gives you a front-row seat to experience the different cultural essences that shape our heritage, don’t forget to check out travel inspo and add your favourites to your wishlist. 


Riqueza Natural (2012). Retrieved from

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